the fit body way

For Men & Women Struggling to Lose Fat and Looking to Build a Lean, Fit & Energetic Body!

Lets Crush Your Fitness Goals!

Hitting your perfect weight, bursting with energy, and feeling fabulous requires an eating plan based on balanced, good habits and sustainability over time – and backed by living proof from hundreds of clients who’ve exceeded their goals and kept it up for years.

But to do that we need an approach that:

1. Will produce exactly the results we want, while
2. Still enabling us to enjoy ourselves, without having to rearrange our entire lives and schedules.

Often we’re led to believe those two goals are mutually exclusive.

But that’s only because most diets and fitness programs impose rules, restrictions and frankly unhealthy practices that make it impossible to have both, and often force people back into bad emotional- and stress-eating habits.

Real, Long-Lasting Change is Much Easier Than You Think.

And, I’m here to help you get where you want to be: FEELING HAPPY, HEALTHY and ENERGETIC; LOVING THE WAY YOU LOOK!

And, doing it in the easiest, safest way possible


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The Fit Body Way Methods Worked for Them and It Will Work for You, Too! 


What Is the Nutrition Plan?

Learn the lessons mastered over 13 years working with thousands of real people, just like you, with bodies just like yours.

Some people are completely lost when it comes to nutrition, healthy eating, and weight loss. Others just need to tweak what they are
currently doing to achieve the results they want and make them last. The Fit Body Way covers both needs.

Most people particularly love the daily schedules and 14-day food calendar (see below for everything that’s included in the program).

These two items alone show you, step-by-simple-step, how to structure your day to guarantee results. It’s that doable, sustainable structure that helps people achieve a slimmer body, more energy throughout the day, fewer aches and pains, less inflammation, and visibly younger looking skin, often within the first month!


14-Day Jump Start Meal Plan Calendar & Daily Fit Schedule Optimizer




What Can I Eat on the Plan?


You Can’t Out-Train A Bad Diet Nor Outrun Bad Habits.

But you can achieve outstanding results with smart eating, once you know how and why certain foods promote positive change.

The best, longest-lasting results are always found from a diet to which you can commit to…for good.

It’s not just that you feel bad when you fall off the diet wagon (which was not exactly steady and stable in the first place); yo-yo dieting also has serious long-term effects on the body that wrecks your metabolism, deprives you of critical nutrients, and damages your body’s ability to heal itself.

How can you meet your goals – feeling lean, fit, confident and energetic – when your body can’t function at its optimum? How will you run that 5k race again, go on that gorgeous hiking trip, or stave off the effects of aging?

You do it by incorporating good, healthy habits into everyday life and making it a sustainable lifestyle that you and your family can enjoy. You can meet those goals – and more – just like hundreds of my clients and customers who have already realized these changes for themselves.

This is why I created The Fit Body Way.

Weight loss and fitness gains happen MENTALLY before they appear PHYSICALLY

I created it for my thousands of clients over the past 13 years who had tried every diet and fitness plan under the sun … only to realize they just had no idea what really works.

No crazy restrictions, strange ingredients, nor fancy equipment needed.

The Fit Body Way is about how to eat in a way that’s healthful, delicious and – most importantly – simple, doable and practical.

It is also based on empirical research and my own professional experience in working with clients. It’s a fine-tuned approach to eating tasty and healthful foods in the right “daily doses” for you to trigger the fat loss, and accelerate the energy and lean muscle gains that you want.

The Fit Body Way includes tons of example recipes and menus that are as enjoyable as they are nourishing, along with everything you need to know about planning your meals, prepping for success, and creating a just-for-you eating strategy that both satisfies and succeeds.

Where do you start?

Learn the lessons mastered over 13 years working with thousands of real people, just like you, with bodies just like yours.


Some people are completely lost when it comes to nutrition, healthy eating, and weight loss. Others just need to tweak what they are
currently doing to achieve the results they want and make them last. The Fit Body Way covers both needs.

Most people particularly love the daily schedules and 14-day food calendar (see below for everything that’s included in the program).

These two items alone show you, step-by-simple-step, how to structure your day to guarantee results. It’s that doable, sustainable structure that helps people achieve a slimmer body, more energy throughout the day, fewer aches and pains, less inflammation, and visibly younger looking skin, often within the first month!


14-Day Jump Start Meal Plan Calendar & Daily Fit Schedule Optimizer

It is our goal to take the guesswork out of the dieting black hole

Sharing with you the nutrition and food principals that have worked for hundreds of my clients, with hard-learned lessons like

  1. Not all calories are equal, and diets founded on just calorie counting will compromise your results.
  2. Restricting or over-consuming specific nutrients can wreak havoc on the body’s metabolism.
  3. The timing of your food does make a difference; think of your body’s daily circadian rhythm.
  4. The balance of the meal on your plate is as (or more) important as the individual foods themselves.
  5. Food prep and meal planning can be way, way easier than most diets would have you believe.
  6. One-size-fits-all diets are doomed; your eating strategy must fit your unique goal and situation.
  7. There’s a reason why “fats” trigger so much disagreement, even among nutritionists.
  8. The meals you make can be bursting with delicious flavor and still be satisfying and healthful
  9. Weird eating rules are really more about selling a diet than meeting fitness goals.
  10. Approaching restaurants and grocery stores with the right strategy makes all the difference to seeing positive results.

And so many more!

If you’ve ever noticed that dieting is like playing whack-a-mole with your body…

Where you do one thing “right,” only to see yet another problem pop up – these lessons will help you understand why:

  • You go into group fitness … only to bulk up or fail to see promised results
  • You give up an entire food group … only to feel terrible (battle with cravings) and have low energy
  • You do endless rounds of cardio … only to struggle with those last few pounds that won’t budge
  • You follow the latest trends … only to realize programs developed by celebrities and pro athletes are really only designed for people with their kind of money, time, and lucky genes
  • You spend hours tracking calories…only to never understand how those calories affect your weight loss and body (and still not fully understand how to read a food label, and what all the other numbers mean.

You’re FAR from alone in facing the frustration of doing what you’re told, but then finding the diet either unsustainable or ineffective.

The Fit Body Way includes everything you need to eat incredibly well, while still downsizing your weight and upgrading your health.


What’s Included with the Nutrition Guide?

The “Daily Dose” guide

mMy daily food guide and portion recommendations for burning fat and building lean muscle.

The “Power Plate” guide

How to build a power plate at each meal to keep you full, energized and keep your metabolism running at its peak.

Customization strategies

How to adjust your eating to either 1. safely accelerate weight loss, or 2. if you’re an athlete in training, or 3. to align with whatever your specific goal may be.

Daily meal & exercise schedule optimizer

Follow one of the daily schedules outlined to help structure a healthy day, or figure out your own perfect healthy day.

Meal prep & planning guide

Simplify and streamline by following these recommendations to make planning and preparation easier, faster and cheaper/more affordable.

Approved grocery shopping list

My complete approved grocery shopping list to get you through your weekly shopping trip, quickly while resisting temptations.

Restaurant & dining guide

Follow this guide to learn how to order the healthiest possible choices at any restaurant, so you can keep your social life active and your progress positive!

14-day meal calendar

A great way to jump in and get started! Follow the scheduled breakfast, lunch and dinner options for 14 days, and/or figure out how to create your own calendar.

100+ delicious, healthy recipes

Get ready…because you’re going to be eating better and enjoying tastier meals than ever before! These recipes draw inspiration from around the world: Italian, American, Mexican, French, Middle Eastern & Asian recipes are all included.


The Fit Body Way Nutrition Guide and Cookbook makes success simple with positive change you can visibly see AND feel within the first 30 days.

  • Straightforward Daily Nutrition Principals – for good nutrition to work and be adaptable to YOUR life it needs to be based off of simple to follow daily principals that you can implement with ease every day without feeling constrained by restrictions or like you need to log every calorie you consume. Nothing crazy, just a straightforward daily nutrition formula that is simple to follow and will leave you feeling completely satisfied, energized and feeling amazing!
  • Easy-to-prepare, delicious fat burning meals – most recipes take just minutes to prepare, plus we show you how to prepare foods in bulk and save for leftovers or store for a later date.
  • Easy to find ingredients – all recipes use simple ingredients easily found in your local grocery store; you don’t even have to buy organic to get the healthful results.
  • Simple to prepare meals – most recipes take just minutes to prepare, plus we show you how to prepare foods in bulk and save for leftovers or store for a later date.
  • Appliances and equipment you already own – none of the recipes require fancy tools or equipment; 100% of recipes can be prepared using basic kitchen appliances and cutlery.
  • Family-friendly and kid-approved – all of the recipes included are family favorites, enjoyed by adults and kids alike.
  • Cost-saving strategies – eat better quality for less money with shopping and restaurant tips that slim down your bills too, and eliminate the extra expenses that most diet plans mandate.


I’ll show you how to get lean and feel amazing…in the EASIEST way possible!

I’ll teach you the secrets to making proper nutrition easy to implement into YOUR life – AND – I’ll show you how to create delicious, fat-burning meals that taste great and are quick and easy to prepare, even if you’re not comfortable in the kitchen. Empowered by that knowledge, you really will know how to eat well while still losing weight, improving health, and impressing your friends!